
Sunday, February 19, 2012

february 19th

what a great week! well, for most of us. true had her 2 month vaccines and a bad reaction to them-- fever and fussy for a couple days, but is now on the mend. she weighs 11 + pounds and has grown almost two inches in the last month. haven started crying in the car on the way to the doctor's office. when i asked her why she was feeling sad, she responded that she was sad for true to have to get shots today. our doctor is SO great and invited haven (who is pretty petrified of the whole doctor's office thing) to help her sort some pens while the nurse came back with true's round of torture. we got a super cute hot pink highlighter family drawing out of the deal and only true had tears at the office. well, me too, but at least not h!

i realized i was getting older when a friend asked how old i was and thirty slipped past my lips. i'm not sad about the big 3-0-- it just felt so different saying it aloud. speaking about birthdays, haven's best bud had his birthday party yesterday and there is nothing cuter than a bunch of four-year-old super heroes bowling!

we dedicated true to God this morning with our church family. it was a sweet time. later, friends came over for chili and brownies. great day. 

 valentine's day was maybe my favorite ever. we surprised haven with cards and a balloon. we made heart shaped cinnamon rolls with pink icing and strawberry milk for breakfast and then joined friends for dinner with a chocolate fountain for dessert! haven gave out cards for her friends and even signed her name.

 h was super quiet last sunday during rest time (not typical) and when i opened the door, this is what i discovered! i had left a basket of clean clothes in the girls' room to put away and haven told me it just looked so cozy... :)

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