
Saturday, February 04, 2012

february 4th

 God bless the creators of bjorn--t was fussy all day and this is her best shot :)
 h is awesome at hi ho cheerio! maybe because we practice all. the. time
we survived! our first week with jon back to work also happened to be our first week with him out of town-- whew! we have great friends who graciously filled in the gaps whether that was making dinner or feeding t so i could put h to bed/ do her hair; we are so thankful. haven is still up for best-big-sister award, true is growing like a weed and cooing at us, i'm proud that the house is still standing (and not on a foundation of laundry) and jon had a great week at the office with colleagues returning to 'normal'. haven and i learned about the letter 'g' and groundhog's day. i squeezed in a tiny photo session. true slept like a champ two days this week. we visited with new friends and old friends too. played at the park for two beautiful and unseasonably warm days. and lastly was introduced to chocolate pecan pie which i haven't stopped thinking about yet. oh my.

1 comment:

Jen said...

Hi Mom it’s me in 2018 #Haven